Rules for Submitting

When submitting, please include both the name of your submission and the character they are a clone of, if applicable, as well as at least one canon image (screenshots, official art, etc.)In addition, please let me know if your submission is from an 18+ rated property, or if the submitted character necessitates a spoiler warning due to their existence or status as a clone.For characters without official art, such as book or podcast characters, please provide sources for fanart along with proof that you have gotten permission from the artist for it to be used.Submissions must be considered separate characters from their progenitor with some level of autonomy. Illusory or temporary "clones" used for combat, such as shadow clones from Naruto, will not be counted.Submissions are up to my discretion. If a character submitted is from a property that I deem morally abhorrent or offensive, or they simply don't fit the criteria, that submission may not be accepted.Submissions are through DMs only. If you would like your submission to remain anonymous, just let me know.

( Made with Carrd )